Selasa, 29 April 2014


Well, the next material in CALL 1 subject is about “CALL and its development”. The project is making timeline about the history of CALL. Do you know what timeline is? Timeline here is not like facebook or twitter timeline. But, according to business dictionary, timeline is line drawn on a suitable scale (days, months, years, centuries, and eons) on which key historical, planned, or projected events and periods are marked in the sequence of their occurrence.  Other definition of timeline is a graphic representation showing the passage of a time as a line.

Timeline is useful for teacher to teach such history, it’s like new face and new way to make your teaching more interesting. Using timeline, you and your students will easily remember the important dates and events.  And for making timeline, you can use one of the web-based timelining tools below:


How to make timeline using these tools?

It’s easy. Just choose one of these tools, and visit the link, then sign up for free, and you can start to create your first timeline. If you don’t want to spend a lot of time in front of your computer for making timeline, before making it, you can make a note what will you write in your timeline, or in other word you can prepare your materials first.

In my project, I used tiki-toki to make my first timeline, but it was not too beautiful and interesting because I didn’t use the options that are provided the timeline tool well. Yeah, I was confused at that time. But, I am sure you can make better timeline than mine. And here is my timeline.

The web-based timelining tools above provide many options to make your timeline seem beautiful and interesting, like background colour, shape, font etc.

In conclusion, timeline is useful for teacher to teach certain subjects and also useful for students, because teacher can make the materials become simple, and students can easily remember and understand the materials. Moreover, it provides attractive appearance.

So, just try to make timeline and your teaching will be more interesting for your students. Happy trying ^^

Minggu, 27 April 2014

Technology in Education

In this 21st century, technology has developed very rapidly, and it becomes very useful for all people in this earth planet. In education, technology also useful for both teachers and students. As Sheryl Nussbaum Beach said, “teacher will not replaced by technology, but teacher who don’t use technology will be replaced by those who do”.

So, if we are teacher, we should integrate technology into education, because it can make the teaching learning process more interesting for teachers and students. For example, students are not bored with the activities in the class, and teachers make their ways in teaching simplier with technology.

Everything has two sides, bad and good. So does technology in education. Technology in education has many advantages, such as it will help students to improve their learning (yeah, because they can access to the internet what they have not understand yet about their lesson), they can also search other references or something else to support their learning, they can share their knowledge with their friends in the different places easily, and they can create something new based on their creativity through technology. So, technology helps students to learn independently and to be creative person.

But, the disadvantages or the negative effects of technology are: first, technology can distract students to learn, because usually they use it for playing games, as we knew, now there many online games are provided in the internet. Second, usually students also use internet for facebook, twitter, or another social media, and reading web pages that are less important and not related with their lessons, the effect, they can fail during the test. Beside, students who addict on technology (gadget for example), will ignore people around them, included the teacher, because they concentrate to their gadget. More, when they get assignments from the teacher, they also can look for the answers in the internet, and then they just copy it down word for word.

For the complete information about the advantages and the disadvantages of technology in education, you can visit this link and watch this video. ^^

Jumat, 18 April 2014


What comes to your mind when you hear the word “netiquette” at the first time?, what language is it? Me, for the first time heard the word ”netiquette”, I think it is France language or whatever, which certainly is not English or Indonesian language. And when I first time got the assignment about netiquette in CALL 1 subject, I was really shock. What kind of assignment is it? hehee

But, when I started to read it little by little, I began to understand. And now I’ll share you about what netiquette is. Well, let’s begin…….

The word netiquette is a combination of ‘net’ (from internet) and ‘etiquette’. It means respecting other user’s view and displaying common courtesy when posting your views to online discussions groups. This is the definition from BBC. (so, netiquette is a combination of two English words, not France language. Hihihi
Netiquette is known as a behavior on the internet. It such rule about what should we do and what should we don’t do when we are using internet. Yeah, of course because the internet’s users are all people around the world, so that we must respect each other. The examples of netiquette when we are using internet, you can watch this video.

Netiquette is important. Can you imagine what will happen if internet’s users do not have netiquette? Maybe it can be such world war in cyberspace. Hehehe

The function of having netiquette are; we can make good relationship with other people who also use internet, not insult or ruin one another, beside, by netiquette, we can also avoid misunderstanding in communication among the internet's users, moreover, to support netiquette, many social medias which provide suitable and funny emoticons to describe our feeling as change of verbal communication, so our interlocutors will be easy to understand our speaking. That’s good thing, I think. ^^